I am in the process of migrating one of my small "pet" applications developed in
Ruby on Rails to Python using
Django. One of my first concerns was migrating tests, both unit (testing models) and functional (testing 'controllers' in Rails/'views' in Django) from one framework to the other. After looking around the documentation, asking questions and conducting some experiments I have some answers. Here is a listing of what I have found out so far.
These examples will only work with the latest
development version of Django.
Locating your tests
Rails Usually located under the path
[path_to_app]/test/functional/. There is usually one test source per controller, named as
For example if the source for a controller, say, 'Generator' is written in
[path_to_app]/app/controllers/generator_controller.rb, then the corresponding test should be present in a file named
Django The easiest way (see the
official documentation) is to add all your tests to a file called and drop it in the application folder, at the same level as your and
However I prefer to have a separate test source structure if I can help it. This has the added advantage of keeping I decided to adopt the convention used by Rails and came up with the following tree:
- [project]/[application]/test/functional/ for functional tests and
- [project]/[application]/test/unit/ for model tests.
Don't forget to add the files to the tree as applicable to make these
accessible as python modules. You will still need to retain the except that you will have to add a line to import your test case classes and nothing else. Test runner will automatically pick up the test classes and run them.
- from django_iwg.btd.test.functional.generator_tests import GeneratorTests
Fixtures are readily available in Rails. There are not quite there yet in Django and I am as righteously angry as the next ex-Rails user ;) But do not worry, they are on their way and will be available shortly. I am experimenting with a really dirty solution in the meantime. More on this in a subsequent post.
Writing Tests - setup
Rails A typical
setup() method in Rails looks like this:
- require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
- require 'generator_controller'
- class GeneratorControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- @controller =
- @request =
- @response =
- end
- end
Django The framework provides a test client to simulate browser calls. The best place to create a test client object would be the setup method.
- import unittest
- from django.test.client import Client
- class GeneratorTests(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.client = Client()
Writing Tests - GET requests
Rails My first objective was to test if a GET request to the controller/URL 'generator/index' was being handled properly. "Properly" in this case means three things:
- Ensure that the response came back with an HTTP status of 200 OK;
- Ensure that the appropriate template was used; and
- Ensure that instance variables were present and had expected values.
The resulting test looked like this:
- def test_GET_index_returns_200_OK
- get :index
- assert_template "generator/index"
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal assigns(:campaigns).length, 14
- end
Django While the objectives remain the same, the steps vary. The key differences I noticed were:
- There are no built-in wrapper methods for GET/POST. It should be noted that it is easy to enough to code wrappers should one so wish.
- Likewise there are no equivalents for wrappers such as "assert_template" or "assert_response"
- Django uses a different philosophy when it comes to passing variables to templates. Instance variables are not directly passed to templates; rather they have to be explicitly passed using a context object or a call to locals()
The resultant code looks like this:
- def test_GET_index_returns_200_OK(self):
- response = self.client.get("/generator/index/")
- self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200)
- self.failUnlessEqual(, "generator/index.html")
- self.failUnlessEqual(len(response.context["campaigns"]), 14)
Writing Tests - POST requests
Rails A simple "happy path" POST request test looks like this in Rails:
- def test_POST_index_saves_army_in_session_and_redirects
- post :index, :army => {:id => 1}
- assert_equal 1, get_session_variable(:army).id
- assert_redirected_to(:action => "number_of_units")
- end
Here, in addition to checking the response I am also verifying that a particular session variable was set properly.
Django Here again we find that there are no wrappers for session and that it is easy enough to add some. The session object itself is readily available and can be accessed using the test client.
- def test_POST_index_saves_army_in_session_and_redirects(self):
- response ="/generator/index", {"army" : 1})
- self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 302)
- self.failUnlessEqual(response.headers["Location"], "/generator/number_of_units/" )
- self.assertEqual(self.client.session["army"].id, 1)
Running Tests
Rails The easiest way is to execute
./rake from the command line. There are separate tasks available (such as test:functional, for instance) in case you wish to run the functional tests only.
Django The easiest way is to execute
./ test from the command line. This will run the tests for all applications in the project. If you wish to test only one application, feed its name as an additional parameter.
Django Template Nuances
Django provides
simple inheritance mechanism for templates. I personally like it :) What should be remembered is that using inheritance changes the testing process slightly. For instance, consider a view
index that renders a template say,
index.html. This template inherits from another, named
base.html. A GET request test for the view would look like this:
- def test_GET_index_returns_200_OK(self):
- response = self.client.get("/generator/index/")
- ...
- template_index = [ for template in response.template].index("generator/index.html")
- self.failUnlessEqual(len(response.context[template_index]["campaigns"]), 14)
Note the difference from the earlier test. When template inheritance comes into play,
response.template will resolve into a list of all the templates involved in the hierarchy, listed parent first. Corresponding to each template, there will be a separate context object at available at the same index in
response.context (which will also resolve into a list)